
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Our Easter Sunday

I cannot believe it is already the weekend. Where did the time go?

Did you all have a happy Easter?
We certainly did!

I thought I would bake some pretty Easter cupcakes, but I really was too busy.
Remember, we are in the midst of moving to our new home. 

Last weekend my husband decided to rent a U-Haul pick up truck. Sunday morning, we made a couple more trips to the house with a truck load full of boxes. It is just amazing how much stuff you
 can accumulate, over the years!

Moving has certainly generated a lot of spring cleaning, which I am actually enjoying.

Then we headed out to  Good Microbrew and Grill  for a late lunch. We like this place. In fact, we discovered this restaurant after visiting the house for the first time. Below is the picture I took that day. We were so excited about the house, had both fallen in love with it and were really hoping to get it. 

We are so lucky we did!

Good is in the heart of Silver Lake's Sunset Junction
The weather was beautiful. We sat on the patio and while our son was taking his afternoon nap in the stroller, we savored delicious ceviche and fish tacos with a couple of glasses of chilled Pinot Grigio (beer for my husband).
It really was a gorgeous sunny afternoon.

Upon our return to the house, our son woke up. We turned on the bubble machine on our main deck and that is when we realized that the Easter bunny had come and hidden lots of small toys, eggs filled with little surprises and a solid chocolate bunny!

Yeah! A brand new set of play-Doh!

James, trying to eat the bubbles...

and munching on his first solid chocolate. 

We had a lot of fun until the sun came down.

James playing with daddy's guitar.

 Later on we drove back to our condo.

We hired a moving company for Monday, to move our furniture. 
Monday night will officially be our first night in our new home.
How exciting!

All week I boxed, cleaned and drove back and forth from the condo to the house. It has been a very busy week.
The condo will need to be immaculate, since we are either going to sell or rent it.

One of the things I had to do this week is to wash our chalkboard wall. 
When we moved here, I had painted a whole kitchen wall with black chalkboard paint. Over the past years we had kept some of our little messages and drawings.
I had to take a picture of it before I washed it, for memories.



I have got to tell you, it was really painful erasing it all.
There was a message from my husband welcoming our son from the maternity ward and one to me, when I returned from a family visit in France, when I was 6 month pregnant.

Now it is the weekend again!

One fun thing we are going to do this afternoon, is looking for a new couch!
I pinned a few on Pinterest and cannot wait to see them in the store.

Have a great weekend!


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