
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Almost 2 Years Old!

Photography: Sarita Relis

Our son James turned 23 months, yesterday!

He was born on May 29, 2012.
In exactly one month, our sweet baby boy will be 2!

Photography: Sarita Relis

It has been such an exciting, fun and love-filled couple of years. Our son is the best thing that ever happened to my husband and to myself. 

Photography: Sarita Relis
Photography: Sarita Relis

I adore being a mum! It is the best, most wonderful and rewarding thing. 
Feeling this deepest, strongest, most tender love between my son and I, having this purest and most truthful connection with him is a true gift from Heaven. We could not love anyone more than we love our son.

Each day, he is turning more and more into a wonderful little boy.
Every day, he surprises us with the new things he does and the new things he says. 
James sure likes to talk a lot. He is learning French and English and last month, he starting using a lot of two-word sentences. 
He is obsessed with letters, numbers and colors. 
At 20 months, my husband and I realized that our son was learning his letters when one morning, at the breakfast table, he starting saying "O" as he was pointing at all the O's on his apple sauce pouch. We were really impressed. Now, he knows all the letters of the alphabet, can almost count to ten, knows and says his colors (all in both languages). 
He is learning it all by himself, we are not even teaching him. 
James has always been independent, playing with his toys and looking at his books. Yet, he has always been really sociable and outgoing.
Lat month, James started singing "Twinkle twinkle little star". 
He knows practically all the words. It sounds so beautiful (and in tune!). Sometimes in the morning, he wakes up singing it. 
How cute is that?
He also started jumping about a month ago. It is the most adorable sight!

Yesterday was also our very first morning, waking up in our new house!

It was so lovely having our morning cup of coffee on the deck.
It has been really hot here in LA, the last couple of days and so it felt like a summer morning. 
Actually, being here in our new house, really makes us feel like we are on holiday. 

There is still a lot of work ahead, settling in.
Like I told you before, we had movers on Monday. 
Those guys work so hard!

I have not yet planned anything for our son's 2nd birthday, 
but we will sure do something very special for our very special baby boy.

Photography: Sarita Relis

Thanks for dropping in!


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