
Friday, June 6, 2014

New Additions

Hi everyone!
How are you all doing?

Last week was quite busy for us. 
I prepared our son's 2nd birthday party, which took place in Santa Barbara on Sunday, at nana and grandpa's house.
It was a wonderful party and I cannot wait to show you some of the photos.
This week went by in a flash.

On my last post, I shared with you my Paul Cardew tiny teapot collection (HERE
and I mentioned that I would love to get some of the ones I am missing.
Well, this morning I received two new additions in the mail. 
To be honest, I had completely forgotten about it and was wondering what the package was.

I had checked out on eBay and got lucky to get 
The Crime Writer's Desk and The Radio.

I am super exited! 
They are very cute.

Here they are!

The Crime Writer's Desk

The Radio

By the way,
Happy Friday!

We have not yet made any real plans for the weekend, but our cousins from Philadelphia are sleeping over tonight 
and that will be fun.

Have a good weekend!

Thanks for stopping by,

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